Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Got unexpected job and position

I have just got an unexpected job and too high position in Cambodia.
That is Advisor to Minister of Ministry of Rural Development;
equal rank to Executive Director; and Excellency to be registered by
Prime Minister Hun Sen; plus a Deputy Secretary General for UN project.
So is that for real?

For your kind information.


事務局 said...

if it is real. i say congratulation.
if is not real, i still can say you will be in sooner future :D

CHIN Hok said...

I think, now Cambodian Gouvernment is giving educated people values. We would have more chance when going back to Cambodia.

jappy said...

Oh, great!!! Congra !!!!

Rinbo said...

Late to apply ....... can't get that job cause no $$$ -_-

Unknown said...

Oh my goodnes! Rinbo, you know what? I was taken a back by your writing. I held my breath until I finish reading your mail. I was wondering how you oculd get such a high position. Don't you know that your writing can kill someone. Please be careful next time, ok? (^-^) Oh how is bang Thida and your Sakura-chan? Are they fine?